Frustrate indica el hacer vano o inefectivo todo esfuerzo, no obstante su vigorosidad o persistencia <the senate had frustrated all the president's attempts at government reform>. antonyms: fulfill
Thwart connota el frustrar o frenar mediante la oposición directa a uno que avanza <his hopes were constantly being thwarted>.
Foil connota el frenar o derrotar con el fin de inhibir futuros esfuerzos <her parents foiled all my efforts to see her>.
Baffle indica el frustrar mediante la confusión o el desconcierto <baffled by the maze of rules and regulations>.
Balk connota el poner obstáculos o estorbos <his research was constantly balked by the authorities>.
Circumvent indica el frustrar mediante una estratagema particular <circumventing the law with the help of his attorneys>. antonyms: conform to ferencia a una ley u orden), cooperate ersonas)
Outwit connota astucia y artimañas en el frustrar o evadir <the rebels outwitted the army repeatedly>.
Dash connota aplastar una emoción, especialmente la esperanza <her hopes of winning a medal were dashed by a broken leg>.